Monday, July 15, 2013



This will work

My online money making journey has began . Blogging every 2 days about work that i am doing daily to grow my business its going to be a awesome journey . Big Idea Mastermind is the money train to success and i am the conductor . I will be posting daily logs and work schedules on what i am doing and what is working and what isn't working , what work i did and the results so we will have real time stats. So when you join the team you will have a good starting point and a guide almost like a money blueprint . Big Idea Mastermind is going to be the gateway to financial freedom . Smart Passive income Key word  Passive meaning monthly income deposited into your account for me its about helping people who are or were just like me fed up with the b.s 9-5 job and finally decided to do something about it . how often in life will we be able to say that for me its my first and it feels great . The feeling helps with my moment and the moment is what going to keep me going its going to help when i do things that fail and trust me i am going to do things that will fail and i am OK with that . The best part is i am going to write them down to share with everyone because its a real journey its my real life on a blog to show you that  you can do this as well , you can make things happen now when before you thought you couldn't . Even if we fail a couple of times we will lock arms and keep moving forward . We are going to learn from our mistakes and have them on file/doc/blog Ha-Ha to remind us daily . Remember Seth Godlin says that success goes to the people who lose the most and learn from it correct it and keep moving forward. 

I don't bet everything and the house cause I have to have enough left to keep playing.

Diamond Member
empower network

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