Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to keep your Audience Happy and Coming back for more 3 ways

Getting the traffic isn’t like finding a new solar system but it is difficult when you start to do a couple things below you will notice a traffic increase to your blog .

 1. Give more so you can capture email addresses

If there reading your blog why not have an email submit tap on your blog. There here for a reason and want to hear more from you when they submit their email address because they know and like you and trust you from reading your blog so ask them for their email address because you’re going to add value to their life and give them some cool free stuff . Use of landing pages, Tips on using social media, an e-book.  I use a think and grow rich e-book because I am connecting to a person who mind set is to make money online. 


Platforms like Facebook, Google +, twitter etc.. Show everyone your work and what’s happening in your live once again we go back to the trust and like you factor this is something that’s hard to achieve in the online world but it’s not impossible it’s very easy listen to me here on this one JUST BE REAL, BE YOUR SELF. When you’re writing and shooting your videos be yourself if you’re fake and a jack _@ss people are going to see right through that people aren’t dumb and everyone gets more intelligent each day.  - be real is way easy.

 3. Can you set up an Interview with people in your niche?

Interviews are always interesting and never get old especially when your teaching things to your readers or followers of your blog it’s a great way to keep people coming back, Think about this if someone is showing people how to do things from an interview you conducted on let’s say social media posting, they are going to remember that and come back your blog to get refreshed on the subject.  It’s a great idea to have an interview online with a blog post and a video if are able to swing both.

For more blogging tips and to learn how to make money from blogging  submit your email for more details thank you 

Thank you Brian Quellette

PS. TIP. Email submit button on your blog a.s.a.p. it’s a great way to build a following.





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