Wednesday, July 31, 2013


With Your Basic Level You Get .
You earn $25 per Sale Monthly
- Word Press Blogging platform.
-Success Coaching w/Bob Proctor , Les Brown , Brian Tracy That's just a couple.
-Internet Marketing Fast Start.
-Internet Marketing 101 Seo.
-6 Figure Blueprint.
-List Building w/Blogging , Email , Social.
-Traffic Generation Fast Start.
-Full Access to Big Idea Mastermind
Marketing system.


Are you a frustrated network marketer? Have you been trying to make money  for months, maybe years and your results are far away from your dreams? It is not your fault and this is the time to do something about it!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

No One Believing in you BLOG?

No One Believing in you BLOG?

ITs Tough to be around people who just  always think you’re going to fail who don’t believe in what  you’re doing  and what you’re going to accomplish  . This is the exact reason people go to the  EMPOWERNETWORK EVENTS  hint ( Don’t be a wussy event last week )  Because your around people who are doing what you’re doing who can see your vision of  your life because they can relate to you they have been in the same shoes before were people have told them it’s not  going to work out  , you won’t  make  it happen you not smart enough.  You think as people they would  want  you to succeed but when you try something new it’s always a tough road because all people are scare of new and  the road  we have been taught all this years is the route because everyone else takes it . There is a fine line between helping and hurting someone’s drive to become something that matters to do something’s that no one thought would work and when you finally do achieve your goals online it’s awesome. That’s a moment you have to feel yourself, it’s a moment no one can take from you ever. My First online money was 678.13 in a week. Best  thing is about  it you could be rude and throw it back in every ones faces that you did  it  me personally I didn’t do that  I am just  not that type of  person  ( but  I did  want  to ha-ha) . I would rather show people the path less traveled by really showing them this can be done this isn’t impossible I did it so can you. 

I bet if you do something for an entire year you will be good if not great at it, this isn’t just online marketing this is for anything in life.  100% the game goes to the person will to fail and learn from it because there is no failure only learning.  That’s the type of  mindset you have to have this  is the  exact  reason I listen to the 15k formula and the Costa Rican retreat #empower #network products.  Empower network products are showing me how to start my own journey to online success the entire blue print is here from people who make amounts of money a month that would blow your mind totally off. Do your research look over the outstanding products #empowernetwork has to offer.

Thank you b quellette

Monday, July 29, 2013



( Well 1 pledge  and 2 goals this week)

1 pledge : We will stop being a wussy in honor of the stop being a wussy empower network tour , you do it for you I am going to do it  for  myself .we are going to start making videos every two days if  not every  day  to practice to be in front  of the  camera . We will also document our work with keeping track on what’s working and what’s not working. This is also going to be a great factor when people are ready to join our team with in big idea mastermind so they can hit the ground running. Coaching and mentoring will be great in and fun to do with all new team members 
Goal 1: Have a posting schedule for all blogging platforms to post to. I am going to pre-schedule them on some sites and will manual post to other sites. at the end of each post  I am going to have a call to action will a video post each week on a how to do something cool on the internet , that has to do with growth of the blog . 

Goal 2 : Learn to make a video on my computer by recording my screen (I have a PC people bear with me). I want to make a couple how to videos for my team and future members. I will make 2 videos each week on something I am doing with big idea mastermind or Join a Mentor with a mix of a click bank product. I am going to put this PC to the test in the next 3 months that’s for sure.

For video and blogging tips register at the link below 
#awesome #empower 
Thank you bquellette

Friday, July 26, 2013




#1 Share able Titles. Make the title of your blogs easy to share  , example in twitter you only get 140 characters so I usually use about  100-115 characters leaving enough room for people to enter their own little comment when they are retreating it . In other social media sites I use catchy titles and where do I get these title from these guides (100 and 1 Headline Forms)         (Headline hacks) 
#2 Share  your  post  - Social Media - Blog platforms  - Share your post on sites like these             ( social buzz club ) ( Viral Content Buzz ) ( Biz Sugar ) ( Bloggers )  (website babble ) .  In all your posts make sure you leave a call to action at the bottom with your link. 

 #3 Try to land some guess posting spots Authority blogs. When you do this leave a link to your blog and a link to your author bio (Google author ship). 

Thank you and have a great day   #awesome

Brian Quellette

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

5 Reasons Your Blog is Going to Fail

5 Reasons Your Blog is Going to Fail.   ( So Don’t Let it Happen)

1. YOUR MIND SET Believe in Something.
The first obstacle is going to be your mind set and what you believe in.  You have to believe in making your blog the go to place for other bloggers or other people to learn from you have to add value to a world with 50 million blogs. This is going to take time to learn just like high school and college you didn’t learn everything overnight it’s going to take a little bit. A Negative Mind set is not going to do anyone any good your readers will pick up on it and you will feel like your blog is work and not enjoy doing it   

Let’s just be honest has anyone ever gotten rich over not besides a lottery winner. I have been threw a lot of different biz opts home based etc. some worked for a little while and some didn’t. Think about this if a regular brick and mortar business can get reach over night do you think there is a different overnight get rich biz. (How long has it taken me about 3-4 months to start ranking in Google page 1)

3. Are You Really Afraid of Criticism? 
Come on maybe some people won’t get what you’re saying or what exactly you’re doing but that’s ok this isn’t for everyone. Don’t let anyone take or talk you out of your dreams .This is a part of life. People are going to criticize you simple. Most of the time if I don’t get criticized I feel like no one is listening ha-ha.

4. You’re not monetizing your blog
You’re working hard let’s get something from it. Start a Google ad sense account today not tomorrow today. Your creating all this content and doing all this research get a little reward from it. Don’t think you going to steer your traffic away when you’re giving people what they want they will come back and reward you with their email to hear more from you. First payment I ever received from Google was for $1.26 from my blog it wasn’t much but it was a great feeling of getting something for all the hard work.

5. You’re not putting your blog out there for the right people.
Your blog about make money isn’t going to be appealing to someone looking for a cat sweater I am sorry but it’s just not going to, you need to find your niche and a blog directory about your niche to guest post and comment on. These can’t be spam comment like (I like your blog great job) then your link. We have to read and add value to the blog or the community it’s really not that hard. Think about it this way you might even learn from the people writing the blog and other comments on the blog that your about to comment on . Set up a list of 10 blogs and comment on them each week.

Thank you

Brian Qullette

PS tip. Think of your content as gas in your car without it you go nowhere.

Monday, July 22, 2013



Friday, July 19, 2013

5 Reasons Your Blog is Going Fail .

5 reasons your blog is going to fail.   (So Don't Let it Happen )

1. YOUR MIND SET Believe in Something 
The first obstacle is going to be your mind set and what you believe in.  You have to believe in making your blog the go to place for other bloggers or other people to learn from you have to add value to a world with 50 million blogs. This is going to take time to learn just like high school and college you didn’t learn everything overnight it’s going to take a little bit. A Negative Mind set is not going to do anyone any good your readers will pick up on it and you will feel like your blog is work and not enjoy doing it   

Let’s just be honest has anyone ever gotten rich over not besides a lottery winner. I have been threw a lot of different biz opts home based etc. some worked for a little while and some didn’t. Think about this if a regular brick and mortar business can get reach over night do you think there is a different overnight get rich biz. (How long has it taken me about 3-4 months to start ranking in Google page 1)

3. Are You Really Afraid of Criticism? 
Come on maybe some people won’t get what you’re saying or what exactly you’re doing but that’s ok this isn’t for everyone. Don’t let anyone take or talk you out of your dreams .This is a part of life. People are going to criticize you simple. Most of the time if I don’t get criticized I feel like no one is listening ha-ha.

4. You’re not monetizing your blog

You’re working hard let’s get something from it. Start a Google ad sense account today not tomorrow today. Your creating all this content and doing all this research get a little reward from it. Don’t think you going to steer your traffic away when you’re giving people what they want they will come back and reward you with their email to hear more from you. First payment I ever received from Google was for $1.26 from my blog it wasn’t much but it was a great feeling of getting something for all the hard work.

 5. YOUR not putting your blog out there for the right people
Your blog about make money isn’t going to be appealing to someone looking for a cat sweater I am sorry but it’s just not going to, you need to find your niche and a blog directory about your niche to guest post and comment on. These can’t be spam comment like (I like your blog great job) then your link. We have to read and add value to the blog or the community it’s really not that hard. Think about it this way you might even learn from the people writing the blog and other comments on the blog that your about to comment on . Set up a list of 10 blogs and comment on them each week.

Thank you
Brian Qullette
PS tip. Think of your content as gas in your car without it you go nowhere.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

5 k journey

How to keep your Audience Happy and Coming back for more 3 ways

Getting the traffic isn’t like finding a new solar system but it is difficult when you start to do a couple things below you will notice a traffic increase to your blog .

 1. Give more so you can capture email addresses

If there reading your blog why not have an email submit tap on your blog. There here for a reason and want to hear more from you when they submit their email address because they know and like you and trust you from reading your blog so ask them for their email address because you’re going to add value to their life and give them some cool free stuff . Use of landing pages, Tips on using social media, an e-book.  I use a think and grow rich e-book because I am connecting to a person who mind set is to make money online. 


Platforms like Facebook, Google +, twitter etc.. Show everyone your work and what’s happening in your live once again we go back to the trust and like you factor this is something that’s hard to achieve in the online world but it’s not impossible it’s very easy listen to me here on this one JUST BE REAL, BE YOUR SELF. When you’re writing and shooting your videos be yourself if you’re fake and a jack _@ss people are going to see right through that people aren’t dumb and everyone gets more intelligent each day.  - be real is way easy.

 3. Can you set up an Interview with people in your niche?

Interviews are always interesting and never get old especially when your teaching things to your readers or followers of your blog it’s a great way to keep people coming back, Think about this if someone is showing people how to do things from an interview you conducted on let’s say social media posting, they are going to remember that and come back your blog to get refreshed on the subject.  It’s a great idea to have an interview online with a blog post and a video if are able to swing both.

For more blogging tips and to learn how to make money from blogging  submit your email for more details thank you 

Thank you Brian Quellette

PS. TIP. Email submit button on your blog a.s.a.p. it’s a great way to build a following.





Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I BIG IDEA Masterminded MY LIFE - BIG TIME -

 I BIG IDEA Masterminded MY LIFE - BIG TIME -

Here are a couple of the courses that impacted my life since I started working with Big Idea Mastermind. I thank B.I.M for that with the success coaching with Les Brown, Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, John Eliot, and Michael Wickett. Training us directly with total focus on our success. People have told me like Tony Robbins  you are just like the top 5 people you associate with the  most  so for about a month all I did was hang out with those guys getting in the frame of mind of its time to change  my Life Period . It’s time to stop settling for what other people think I am worth. It’s time to stop blaming other people and start looking in the mirror. Its  mind blowing how you can shift your whole mindset different when you just listen to successfully mentors and people who have been in the same place you and I have been till I had a moment  I wrote a letter to myself about how I am missing my children’s lives for a 9-5 bummer job making my boss a boat load of money each month while getting promised pat raises each quarter .This letter I wrote I printed it out and proceed to post it everywhere one in my car on the dash board one by my desk , even one in the bathroom to ensure whenever I felt tried or didn’t feel like or want to do something I knew would  help my business grow and help me bring more value to other people’s lives just like the coaching and mentoring courses with in BIG IDEA MASTERMIND . It’s a great feeling knowing you help someone achieve their goals even when many of their goals have nothing to do with money, making money but that’s a whole different ballgame / blog in itself.

Are you going to wait any longer register today for a hangout?



Monday, July 15, 2013



This will work

My online money making journey has began . Blogging every 2 days about work that i am doing daily to grow my business its going to be a awesome journey . Big Idea Mastermind is the money train to success and i am the conductor . I will be posting daily logs and work schedules on what i am doing and what is working and what isn't working , what work i did and the results so we will have real time stats. So when you join the team you will have a good starting point and a guide almost like a money blueprint . Big Idea Mastermind is going to be the gateway to financial freedom . Smart Passive income Key word  Passive meaning monthly income deposited into your account for me its about helping people who are or were just like me fed up with the b.s 9-5 job and finally decided to do something about it . how often in life will we be able to say that for me its my first and it feels great . The feeling helps with my moment and the moment is what going to keep me going its going to help when i do things that fail and trust me i am going to do things that will fail and i am OK with that . The best part is i am going to write them down to share with everyone because its a real journey its my real life on a blog to show you that  you can do this as well , you can make things happen now when before you thought you couldn't . Even if we fail a couple of times we will lock arms and keep moving forward . We are going to learn from our mistakes and have them on file/doc/blog Ha-Ha to remind us daily . Remember Seth Godlin says that success goes to the people who lose the most and learn from it correct it and keep moving forward. 

I don't bet everything and the house cause I have to have enough left to keep playing.

Diamond Member
empower network

Friday, July 5, 2013



Read the story, feel the emotions....EMOTIONS!!!
1st- Check out site 2nd -Watch Video 3rd - Register to attend a JOIN A MENTOR Hangout

... How is everyone? I see some people are curious!!
What is next? How can we really create lasting results.....
You might not know this.....=>
When you see me on daily hangouts, and all over the web.
It is not always easy, it was actually REALLY HARD, I just did it.

Why am I telling you this?
That is how we get what we want, do what we don't.
Do what other people wont.

Good news, we just changed the game.
Life actually changed completely.
Did you realize I have not been online in 5 days?
Yes I was online for about 15 minutes a day.
Ask TJ Weber or Paul Munson or Brian Quellette

Lets not lie, I still grind, but with a different circle of friends.
That is the University of Hawaii Football team.
I got a few ideas from these guys.....what they do is worth it.
I had the chance to film and interact with the players.

Lets be honest with ourselves real quick, is that OK?
You asked me to help you, so here is my advise.
Start out today fresh, stop looking back, be smart in your thoughts.
Over the past 5 days I listened to the following audios again:
Ask and It is Given, The Secret, and Get to the Edge (Tony Robbins).

Over the past 4 months we have created something that wont break.
No industries, no comp plans, no sponsors, no one person, NOTHING.
Join-a-Mentor is already too big to stop and we have not even started.
Everything up until today was in 100% beta, test mode.

This is the plan and the Incredible news:
1st let me ask you one serious question;
Are you willing to do something beyond your comfort zone?
over 150 people have had personal life changing breakthroughs
in just 90 days and the funny part is these same people are showing
other people how to do it and they are also having breakthroughs.

Step 1: Hangout today at 9 PM EST / 6 PM PST w Jens Urvey Elmera
Step 2: JAM is about to blow up, we are hiring 4 people this month.
Step 3: Sales page video is done, and be loaded by July 5th (GameOver)
Step 4: Organic "GoldMine" Traffic Training Begins July 8th
Step 5: "How to approach and close everyone for EN" July 9th
Step 6: Custom Google Hangout Pages Available

Wait the good news is not over yet......
Paul Munson, you know the name? He has been underground...
He will be making a global, social appearance soon.
Paul was single handed is the only one behind the scenes of JAM
see why he is going to be Self Made Millionaire in 2013

Thank You , Have Great Day

Brian Quellette

Business Development Team Leader

Twitter : @bquellette

by Stephen munson

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Big Idea Mastermind - Announces Join A Mentor Team Is Growing.

A Coach & Mentor helping you to achieve your goals and dreams in every way possible. 

Orlando Fl June 23, 2013:  Big Idea Mastermind Official Review and the what, who, where, why, when and how on what everyone is talking about in business.

The What - BIG IDEA MASTERMIND Products are here to teach you how to become a marketing power house online and offline. B.I.M is teaching you to have targeted goals to your success for making money online our step by step guides and courses combined with first class coaching makes your online marketing experience positive and our daily meetings will keep you focused on the tasks at hand for your success.  

The WHO – Vick Strizheus  in the top 20 for online marketers of all time . He is positive thinking family man who was basically sick of working to build other people’s dreams and start his own BIG IDEA MASTERMIND. Vick Strizheus has created a formula for people who don’t have 50 hours a week to put in on a computer for average people like you and me who want a better life who want to escape the rat race.  .

The Where – This is the best one I think because making money online is  where ever  you have access to the internet you can work where every you like  you can log into your BIG IDEA MASTERMIND account for the coaching the mentoring , the Google hangouts we schedule  live and direct daily . You can work from the beach if you like or from your home daily so you can finally start taking your children to school if you like it’s up to you it’s a great feeling knowing you OWN YOUR WORLD.

THE WHY - Why not us, it’s our time we are sick of the 9-5 hustle for someone else who doesn’t really care about us at all we are employee number  with deadlines basically  and that’s not what we set out in life to be, BIG IDEA MASTERMIND is giving us the tools to never miss out on our children’s in school and out of school actives. Even if you don’t have kids this is BIG do not be left behind.

THE WHEN – Today & for the rest of our lives Big Idea Mastermind is changing lives daily. The time is now, if not today then, when. B.I.M is open 365 days a year 24 hours a day always open for your success always mentoring and coaching you to achieve your dreams and goal’s. How many times had you heard that from your employer now zero.

THE HOW - All you have to do is watch a video detailing what we are doing at BIG IDEA MASTERMIND with Vick Strizheus register your email address in the box and we will connect via email or phone call be ready to lock arms and achieve our goals together.                                                                       

Big Idea Mastermind Make Money Online